Vision, mission and strategy

Geokon-Zagreb d.d. is registered in the Zagreb Commercial Court Registry (Registration No.1-46304) under the name Geokon – Zagreb (joint-stock company for engineering design, supervision and development in construction industry).


To be recognized and rated in the regional market as a reliable, high-quality and efficient partner for investigation, design and monitoring services in the fields of geotechnical and hydraulic engineering and transport infrastructure.


To meet the requirements and needs of the clients, employees, community and company owners through permanent investment into the development and growth of business operations.


To achieve the vision and mission through its business policy, available resources and constant development towards reaching the following objectives:
  • Implement in-house working procedures aligned with legislation, standards and other professional rules defined in the code of professional ethics of the Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers
  • Continuous work quality analysis and control
  • Encourage, initiate and implement development of projects, application of project results in everyday activities and offer them on the market as a commercial service or product
  • Implement lifelong learning policy to ensure regular professional training of employees.
  • Encourage, recognize and reward entrepreneurship and innovation of the employees
  • Encourage participation of employees in professional associations and congresses
  • Ensure a continuous growth, experience sharing and know-how transfer by employment policy and application of new well established technological solutions
  • Support socially beneficial activities of non-profit organizations
  • Maintain the company ISO 9001 and 14001 certificates and ISO 17025 laboratory accreditation
  • Occupational health and safety policy incorporated in the overall company policy
  • The environmental protection policy is one of the design team priorities when deciding on technical solutions during design
  • Naziv: Poboljšanje konkurentnosti i učinkovitosti MSP kroz informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT) – 2


    Kratki opis projekta: Projekt je omogućio poboljšanjem informatičke opremljenosti tvrtku dovesti do višeg nivoa poslovanja i konkurentnosti.


    Razdoblje provedbe 28.08.2019. do 28.03.2021.


    Ukupna vrijednost projekta 905.000,00 kn, a bespovratna sredstva 470.600,00 kn


    Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj