
Monitoring is a set of technical measures used for measuring, inspections and assessment of structure behaviour. The company's activities include development of studies and design documentation for complete monitoring and control of complex hydraulic structures (dams, reservoirs, levees, breakwaters) and geotechnical components of all structures (foundations, support and protection structures, remediation of landslides, stabilization and improvement of soil).

  • Development of complex programs for structural safety assessment
  • Installation of instrumentation during construction and into finished facilities
  • Regular visual inspection, measurements and monitoring with measurement data processing
  • Preparation of reports on all monitoring activities
  • Drafting of large dam logbooks
  • Levee performance and risk assessment study
  • Vertical inclinometer Digitilt Inclinometer Probe, Slope Indicator Company – Seattle, WA USA.
  • NMGD type probe, GLOTZL Baumeβtechnik mbH, with SOLEXPERTS AG measuring instruments
  • Horizontal inclinometer, NMGH type probe, GLOTZL Baumeβtechnik mbH, with SOLEXPERTS AG measuring instruments
  • Sliding micrometer, Probe No. 231013,003, SOLEXPERTS AG. Measurement data processing by Trical4 software and installation of tubes by the same manufacturer
  • Inclinometer base, model OSCLTP14B00, SISGEO s.r.l.
  • Measuring tilting angles on inclinometer bases by portable digital tiltmeter, OSCLIN14500, SISGEO s.r.l.
  • Groundwater level measurement, Model C1120030 (length 30 m) and Model C1120050 (length 50 m), SISGEO s.r.l.
  • Naziv: Poboljšanje konkurentnosti i učinkovitosti MSP kroz informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT) – 2


    Kratki opis projekta: Projekt je omogućio poboljšanjem informatičke opremljenosti tvrtku dovesti do višeg nivoa poslovanja i konkurentnosti.


    Razdoblje provedbe 28.08.2019. do 28.03.2021.


    Ukupna vrijednost projekta 905.000,00 kn, a bespovratna sredstva 470.600,00 kn


    Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj