
Since its founding in 1991, Geokon-Zagreb d.d. has grown into a strong and reliable company providing investigation, design, supervision and technical inspection services in the field of geotechnics, hydraulic engineering and roads.
In 2021, Geokon-Zagreb d.d. marks its 30 years of existence during which the company has invested in knowledge and equipment, focusing on the development of professional and technical knowledge with the aim of implementing optimal design and technical solutions always taking into account the requirements of the clients. Aware that we affect the environment through our actions, we foster responsible approach in the search for sustainable solutions that will enable future generations to coexist with nature.
About us
From the very beginning, we were aware that professional knowledge is most important and that industrious and dedicated work must result in success. We started with smaller design and supervision contracts, and gradual but constant growth led to new investments in development, equipment, education and employment, as well as the rounding off of scope of activities. Today, Geokon has its own business premises and work equipment that includes high-standard IT equipment, an accredited laboratory, drilling and in situ testing equipment. However, our greatest pride is certainly all our former and current employees who, by their devotion to a common cause, enabled growth and progress and facilitated the success of Geokon. Fellowship, patience and positive energy kept us going all the time on this interesting and sometimes unpredictable journey.
Our services


Development of programme, conducting field investigations and preparation of geotechnical investigation reports.


Design and consultancy in geotechnical engineering, hydraulic engineering, industry, transport infrastructure and environmental protection.


Technical, technological and design supervision of construction of transport and hydraulic structures, and supervision of geotechnical works on all types of building projects.


Measuring equipment installation, measurements, monitoring and interpretation of monitoring results obtained during construction and use of structures.


Testing of soil samples and earth material for civil structures in the accredited laboratory (Croatian Accreditation Agency).

Our team

Ivan Mihaljević


Head of consultants department


Ivan Pećina


head of investigation division

Senior Geotehnicioan

Marko Kaić


Head of division



Pilot projekt „pametnog nasipa“ (VEPAR)

Projektom unapređenja negrađevinskih mjera upravljanja rizicima od poplava u Republici Hrvatskoj –VEPAR određen je cilj ostvarivanja dodatne vrijednosti unaprjeđenjem tehničkog praćenja i održavanja regulacijskih i

Naziv: Poboljšanje konkurentnosti i učinkovitosti MSP kroz informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT) – 2


Kratki opis projekta: Projekt je omogućio poboljšanjem informatičke opremljenosti tvrtku dovesti do višeg nivoa poslovanja i konkurentnosti.


Razdoblje provedbe 28.08.2019. do 28.03.2021.


Ukupna vrijednost projekta 905.000,00 kn, a bespovratna sredstva 470.600,00 kn


Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj