
Design and consultancy services in the field of geotechnics and hydraulic engineering, industry, transport infrastructure and environmental protection are among the core activities of Geokon-Zagreb

A team of highly experienced experts develops comprehensive design documentation at all levels (studies, feasibility studies, conceptual, basic and detailed designs, tender documents, design supervision) for the following structures and projects:

  • reservoir and retention basin earth dams
  • all types of embankments, platforms, breakwaters, etc.
  • industrial, power generation and infrastructure facilities
  • hydraulic structures
  • construction pit protection and foundation geotechnical designs
  • foundation soil improvement by material substitution
  • remediation of land slides, protection of slopes and deep cuts in geotechnical structures
  • drainage systems
  • canals and deep cuts
  • open pits and waste landfills
  • special structures (border crossings, halls, RC porches, ski resorts, etc.)
  • geotechnical designs for roads and railways
  • preparation of environmental improvement programs
  • revisions of geotechnical design documentation
  • Naziv: Poboljšanje konkurentnosti i učinkovitosti MSP kroz informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT) – 2


    Kratki opis projekta: Projekt je omogućio poboljšanjem informatičke opremljenosti tvrtku dovesti do višeg nivoa poslovanja i konkurentnosti.


    Razdoblje provedbe 28.08.2019. do 28.03.2021.


    Ukupna vrijednost projekta 905.000,00 kn, a bespovratna sredstva 470.600,00 kn


    Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj